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603 lines
* B G . H , main include file for BG.C, 31st December 1993
#define VER_STR "VERSION 2.31"
/* Version numbers and dates:
1.00 25th April 1992
1.01 27th April 1992 -- American release
1.02 1st May 1992 -- Corrected uninitted ptr bug
1.03 -- Std openings under development
1.04 22nd May 1992 -- Corrected EGA only bug,
1.05 27th May 1992 -- Better Security score, added Tense_Aggro
1.06 30th May 1992 -- Solid colours, -mono option added.
1.07 31st May 1992 -- Release for LIBRERIA ATALA.
1.08 5th June 1992 -- Game end message, who won what.
1.09 8th June 1992 -- As sent to Mr.Watkins, Gloucester Museum.
1.1 20th June 1992 -- Another release for ATALA, def=Italiano.
1.11 27th June 1992 -- Jamie and Fred release, ESC from menu too.
1.1X working on doubling cube...
1.2 30th Oct 1992 -- Got rid of protection, still no doubling
1.2X working on the doubling cube...
2.01 6-Feb-1993 With doubling cube, sent to Dossena
2.03 Better 'constructor' scoring in BG_EVAL.C
2.04 Trying to get him to shift trailing pieces faster
2.10 31-Oct-1993, More genetics training
2.11 Does not reject double at start of game
2.20 STDOP 5,1 corrected
2.25 Getting a 12 neuron neural network to play too.
2.3 14th May 1994, NN plays badly, removed it.
2.31 25th March 1994, TD-Gammons openings for 4,1 and 2,1 in BG_STDOP.C
#define DEBUG_SOURCE TRUE /* Set to FALSE ten years from now */
#define DRODBAR 0 /* Always 0, used to exclude unwanted source */
/***** Generally useful types and constants *****/
typedef unsigned char uchar ;
typedef unsigned long ulong ;
typedef unsigned short ushort ;
typedef short boolean ;
typedef unsigned int uint ;
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define SAME_STRING 0 /* for strcmpx functions */
#define NUL (char)0 /* String terminator */
#define EVEN(a) (((a/2)*2)==a)
#define GERR_LEN 1024 /* Length of global error string */
/***** Describe a board *****/
#define N_PLAYERS 2
#define GRID_COLS 14 /* 12 points + the bar + home */
#define GRID_ROWS 12 /* Space for 6 pieces */
#define BAR_COL 7 /* The 7th column is the bar */
#define HOME_COL 0 /* The zeroth column is home */
#define XI 0 /* X_Coord index */
#define YI 1 /* Y_Coord index */
#define TWOD_COORDS 2 /* There are 2 */
#define Reverse_Index(a) ((N_PLACES-1)-(a)) /* To go from an index on the
black layout to an index on the white layout and vice versa */
typedef short Player_t ;
#define BLACK_PLAYER 0
#define WHITE_PLAYER 1
#define NULL_PLAYER 2
#define N_POINTS 24
#define N_PLACES (N_POINTS+2) /* 24 points, home and the bar */
#define BAR_I 0
#define POINT1_I 1
#define POINT24_I 24
#define HALF_POINT_I 13
#define HOME_I 25
#define MAX_MOVES 4 /* At most a player can move 4 pieces */
#define WORST_SCORE (-1) /* So all scores are longs and +ve */
#define N_PIECES 15 /* Per player of course */
#define NOT_VALID_END (-1) /* Cannot move to here code */
typedef char Layout_t [N_PLACES] ; /* One layout for each player */
/***** Points for the different types of winning game *****/
#define NO_WIN 0
#define SIMPLE 1
#define GAMMON 2
#define BACKGAMMON 3
/***** Transit_t, used to describe a move *****/
typedef struct {
Layout_t Layout ; /* The new layout after the transition */
short N_Moves ; /* 0..4 moves to get to new layout */
short Old_Points [MAX_MOVES] ; /* Where the piece was */
short Places_Movd[MAX_MOVES] ; /* Places moved, can be negative */
short Old_Row [MAX_MOVES] ; /* The level of the old pos of piece */
short New_Row [MAX_MOVES] ; /* The level of the new pos of piece */
} Transit_t ;
/***** The Search_t type *****/
typedef enum {
Bestest, /* Search for best legal move */
Legalest /* Search for the most legal move only */
} Search_t ;
/***** Some colour definitions *****/
#define BLACK 0
#define BLUE 1
#define GREEN 2
#define CYAN 3
#define RED 4
#define GREY 7
#define WHITE 15
/***** Framed_Center_String operations *****/
typedef enum {
PUSH = 1
} FCS_Op_t ;
/***** Definition of Speed_t, how fast to update the screen *****/
typedef enum {
PAUSING = 0, /* Hit key after a transit */
SLOW_SPEED = 1, /* Transits and a delay */
MED_SPEED = 2, /* Transits shown */
FULL_SPEED = 3 /* No transits shown */
} Speed_t ;
/***** These are used to plot semicircles of motion *****/
#define PI ((double)3.1416)
#define TWO_PI ((double)2.0*PI)
#define NSC_SEGS 25
#define DELTA_ANGLE (PI/NSC_SEGS) /* +ve = anticlockwise */
/***** Define the TEXT area sizes, postitions and so on *****/
#define SIDE_ROWS 14 /* This is the size in characters... */
#define SIDE_COLS 16 /* ...of the side text area. */
#define HELP_ROWS 1 /* The number of cols is whatever is left */
/* Graphical margin around text menus, should be an even number */
#define MARGIN 4
/* Position of text strings on title page */
#define TITLE_BG_ROW 1
#define TITLE_SWS_ROW 4
#define TITLE_VER_ROW 7
#define TITLE_LOGO_ROW 10
#define TITLE_LOGO_DIV 6
/* Placement of statistics */
#define ID_ROW 0 /* Black and White ids */
#define TOTALM_ROW 1 /* Total Message row */
#define TOTALN_ROW (TOTALM_ROW+1) /* Total Number row */
#define DOUBM_ROW 4
#define POINTSM_ROW 7
#define TARGETM_ROW 9
#define OPP_ROW (POINTSN_ROW+5) /* "OPPONENT" */
#define NUM_WIDE 8
#define OFFSET 4 /* End of field name text */
#define THREAT_ROW (STATS_ROW + 8)
/***** The message type, what and how they are *****/
#define MESS_CHARS 64 /* Max number of message chars exc NUL */
#define N_LANGS 2
#define ENG_LANG 0
#define ITA_LANG 1
typedef struct {
char Message [N_LANGS][MESS_CHARS+1] ;
char Area ;
char Row,Col ;
short Sound ; /* If 0 no sound, else the freq of the sound */
FCS_Op_t Op ;
} Mesg_t ;
#define STAT_MSG 0
#define ID_MSG 1
#define TOTAL_MSG 2
#define DOUBLE_MSG 3
#define POINTS_MSG 4
#define HELP_MSG 5
#define HIT_MOUSE_MSG 6
#define SETUP_MSG 7
#define MAIN_SETUP_MSG 8
#define MAIN_PLAY_MSG 9
#define MAIN_EXIT_MSG 10
#define MENU_HELP_MSG 11
#define CANT_START_MSG 12
#define CANT_END_MSG 13
#define SEL_STA_MSG 14
#define SEL_END_MSG 15
#define CLK_GO_MSG 16
#define B_NOGO_MSG 17
#define W_NOGO_MSG 18
#define CTLC_MSG 19
#define INIT_DICE_MSG 20
#define THROW_DICE_MSG 21
#define HAKTOC_MSG 22
#define DBL_MSG 23
#define DBL_LIM_MSG 24
#define ACC_DBL_MSG 25
#define COM_REJ_MSG 26
#define COM_ACC_MSG 27
#define YOU_ACC_MSG 28
#define WHT_PROP_DBL_MSG 29
#define BLK_PROP_DBL_MSG 30
#define WHT_REJ_DBL_MSG 31
#define BLK_REJ_DBL_MSG 32
#define WHT_ACC_DBL_MSG 33
#define BLK_ACC_DBL_MSG 34
#define NO_CUBE_MSG 35
#define PLAY_TO_MSG 36
#define COM_WINS_SET_MSG 37
#define YOU_WIN_SET_MSG 38
#define N_MESGS 39
/* Some text defines which should really be variables... */
#define LAST_ROW 24 /* Horrid ! */
#define MID_COL 40 /* Horrid ! */
/* MAIN menu */
#define MAIN_COLS_WIDE 20
#define HELP_KEY F1_KEY
#define SETUP_KEY F3_KEY
/* SETUP menu */
#define N_SETUP_FIELDS 6
#define LANG_FIELD 0
#define SPEED_FIELD 1
#define COL_FIELD 2
#define OPP_FIELD 3
#define TARG_FIELD 4
#define THROW_FIELD 5
#define FIELD_CHARS 12 /* Size of a field name or an option name */
#define MAX_OPTIONS 4
#define SETUP_COL (40 - (SETUP_COLS_WIDE/2))
/***** The structure for a string menu, used in SETUP menu *****/
typedef struct {
char Name [N_LANGS][FIELD_CHARS+1] ;
char Selector ; /* Which option selected now */
char N_Options ; /* Length of option list */
char O_Width ; /* Cols between start of options */
} String_Menu_t ;
/***** defines for opponents, see BG_USER1.C for names *****/
#define SERGIO 0
#define ENZO 1
#define OWEN 2
#define BRIAN 3 // The brain
#define N_OPPS 4
/* WEIGHTS menu */
#define N_WEIGHTS 13
#define MAX_WEIGHT 100
#define N_W_ROWS (N_W_FIELDS + 1)
#define W_TITLE_ROW 4
#define W_TOP (W_TITLE_ROW + 1)
#define W_STRSIZE 30 /* num chars to describe a weighting function */
#define W_NUM_COL (W_LEFT + W_STRSIZE + 1)
#define W_FIELD_SIZE 4
#define W_LEFT (40 - (W_COLS_WIDE/2))
/***** Layout Selector Type *****/
typedef struct {
long Moves_Made ; /* Comes first in selecting which move */
long Goodness ; /* Equally legal moves use this as a selector */
} Lay_Sel_t ;
/***** Statistics structure *****/
typedef struct {
ushort Total ; /* Total score of the player so far, with doubles */
ushort Doubles ; /* Number of doubles thrown by the player */
ushort N_Throws ; /* Number of times the two dice thrown */
ushort Games_Won ;
} Stats_t ;
#define MIN_ROLLS 5
#define MAX_ROLLS 25
typedef struct {
char N_Vals ; /* 2 or 4 if double */
char Values[MAX_MOVES] ; /* List of values, e.g. [1,3] or [4,4,4,4] */
} Dice_t ;
/* Are the die thrown by the computer or by the human ? */
typedef enum {
} Throw_t ;
typedef struct {
short Text_X,Text_Y ; /* Top left pixel of text area */
short Dice_Area_X,Dice_Area_Y ; /* Top left pixel of Dice_Area area */
short Text_Wide,Text_High ; /* In pixels */
short Help_X,Help_Y ; /* Top left pixel of help area */
short Help_Wide,Help_Cols ; /* Height is always 1 char */
short Board_X,Board_Y ; /* Top left pixel of board area */
short Board_Wide,Board_High ; /* Pixel size, inclusive */
short Logo_X,Logo_Y ; /* Top left pixel of logo area */
short Logo_Wide,Logo_High ; /* Pixel size, inclusive */
short Logo_Center ; /* Pixel X_Center of logo area */
short Grid_Wide,Grid_High ; /* A unit positioner on the board */
short Unit_Wide,Unit_High ; /* 4 pixels less than the above */
short Double_X,Double_Y ; /* Cell for the doubling button */
} Screen_Const_t ; /* Const coz initialised and then never changed */
typedef struct {
short X_Pixels,Y_Pixels ;
short Aspect_H, Aspect_V ; /* See README.C for explanation */
short Char_Wide,Char_High ;
short Text_Rows,Text_Cols ;
boolean Colour ;
} Disp_Cfg_t ;
/***** Keyboard code defines *****/
#define FUN_PREFIX 0
#define UP_KEY 72
#define DN_KEY 80
#define LF_KEY 75
#define RT_KEY 77
#define F1_KEY 59
#define F2_KEY 60
#define F3_KEY 61
#define F4_KEY 62
#define F5_KEY 63
#define F6_KEY 64
#define F9_KEY 67
#define F10_KEY 68
#define ENTER_KEY 13
#define BACK_KEY 8
#define ESC_KEY 27
/***** Function prototypes *****/
/* BG.C */
void main (int argc, char * argv[]) ;
boolean Play_The_Game (Speed_t Speed, Player_t Human, short O_Index) ;
void Select_Starter (Player_t* Player, Dice_t* Dice) ;
void Seconds_Delay (short seconds) ;
void Record_Move (Player_t Ply, Dice_t* Di, Layout_t Blk, Layout_t Wht) ;
void Print_Layouts (Layout_t B, Layout_t W) ;
void Print_Layout (Layout_t Layout, Player_t Player) ;
void Test_Move (void) ;
/* BG_CDPNT.C */
void Go_Graph_Mode (void) ;
void Go_Text_Mode (void) ;
void Get_Display_Config (Disp_Cfg_t* Cfg) ;
void Draw_Line (short x0, short y0, short x1, short y1, short Col) ;
void Draw_Rect (short x0, short y0, short Wide, short High, short Col) ;
void Fill_Rect (short x0, short y0, short Wide, short High, short Col) ;
void Fill_Poly (short N_Points, short* Points, short Colour);
void Draw_Point (short x, short y, short c) ;
void Set_Solid_Fill_Style (void) ;
void Draw_Ellipse (short x, short y, short X_r, short Y_r, short Col) ;
void Fill_Ellipse (short X_Cen, short Y_Cen, short X_Rad, short Y_Rad, short Col) ;
void Graf_Text (short Row, short Col, char* String, short Color) ;
void Text_At_Pixel (short x, short y, char* String, short Col) ;
void Error_Exit (char* Last_Words) ;
void Init_Rannum_Gen (void) ;
void Randomise (void) ;
int Int_Rand_Range (int least, int most) ;
void Set_Ctl_C_Handler (void) ;
void Ctl_C_Handler (void) ;
/* BG_DICE.C */
Dice_t Throw_Dice (Player_t Pl, Player_t Op, Player_t Hu,
boolean* Doubled, boolean* Rejected,
Layout_t Curr_Lay[2]) ;
Dice_t Computer_Throws_Dice (Player_t George) ;
Dice_t Human_Throws_Dice (Player_t First, Player_t Second) ;
void Init_Stats (void) ;
void Copy_Dice (Dice_t* Dest, Dice_t* Source) ;
void Deplete_Dice_Pool (Dice_t* Dice, ushort Index) ;
/* BG_DOUBL.C */
boolean Human_Doubles (Player_t Player) ;
boolean Computer_Doubles (Player_t Player, Layout_t Curr_Lay[2]) ;
boolean Human_Rejects_Double (void) ;
boolean Computer_Rejects_Double (Player_t Player, Layout_t Curr_Lay[2]) ;
/* BG_EVAL.C */
long Aggression_Score (Layout_t Me, Layout_t Him) ;
boolean Overlap (Layout_t Me, Layout_t Him) ;
short Pip_Count (Layout_t Layout) ;
short Pip_Count_Diff (Layout_t Me, Layout_t Him) ;
long Pip_Count_Score (Layout_t Me, Layout_t Him) ;
short Total_Pieces_On_Board (Layout_t Me, Layout_t Him) ;
short Pieces_On_Board (Layout_t Layout) ;
void Edit_Weights (void) ;
void Draw_Weight (ushort Rw, char* Ds, ushort Nm, ushort Cl, Player_t p) ;
long Evaluate_Move (Layout_t Me, Layout_t Him, Player_t Player) ;
void Setup_Weights (short New_Opponent, Player_t Player) ;
void Init_Genetic_Opponents (short Black, short White) ;
void Print_Eval_Stats (void) ;
/* BG_EVAL2.C */
boolean Propose_The_Double (Player_t Player, Layout_t Layout[2]) ;
boolean Reject_The_Double (Player_t Player, Layout_t Layout[2]) ;
/* BG_FACE.C */
void Init_Faces (void) ;
void Pixel_Transform (short* x, short* y) ;
void Draw_Eyes (short N_Vals, short o) ;
void Draw_Face_Outline (short Face, short Col) ;
void Redraw_Mouth (short o, short S_Val, short T_Val) ;
void Draw_Mouth (short o, short S_Val, short T_Val, short Colour) ;
void Redraw_Eyebrows (short o, short Eb_Val) ;
void Draw_Eyebrows (short o, short Eb_Val, short Colour) ;
void Draw_Face (Layout_t Me, Layout_t Him, short o) ;
void Show_Opponents_Face (Layout_t Lays[2], Player_t Hum, short O_Ind);
/* BG_GENES.C */
void Genetic_Selection (void) ;
void Read_Weights (long Weights[N_OPPS][N_WEIGHTS]) ;
void Write_Weights (long Weights [N_OPPS][N_WEIGHTS], short Pos[N_OPPS]) ;
void Reinforce_Or_Shuffle (short Deltas[N_WEIGHTS], short Pos, short Old_Pos) ;
void Randomise_Deltas (short Deltas[N_WEIGHTS], short Position) ;
void Remake_Weights (long Weights[N_WEIGHTS], short Deltas[N_WEIGHTS]);
void Tournament (short Pos[N_OPPS]);
short Get_Winner (short Black, short White) ;
/* BG_GMOV.C */
void Draw_Transits (Transit_t* Me, Transit_t* Hm, Player_t Plyr) ;
/* BG_GRAF1.C */
void Init_Graphics (void) ;
void Get_Grid_Corner (short* X, short* Y, short Col, short Row) ;
void Get_Grid_Center (short* X, short* Y, short Col, short Row) ;
void Go_Graphics (int V_Mode) ;
void Draw_Dice_Pair (Dice_t* Pair, Player_t Player) ;
void Draw_Die (short Value, short Dice_Num, Player_t Player) ;
void Clear_Die (short Dice_Num) ;
void Draw_Stats (void) ;
void Side_Number (ushort Row, ushort Col, ushort Number,
ushort F_Size, ushort Color) ;
void Clear_Side_Line (ushort Row) ;
void Graf_Number (ushort Row, ushort Col, ushort Number,
ushort F_Size, ushort Color) ;
void Init_And_Draw_Logo (void) ;
void Clear_Logo_Area (void) ;
boolean Even (short Number) ;
void Show_Dice_List (Dice_t* Dice) ;
/* BG_GRAF2.C */
void Get_Pbox_Coords (short Box_Coords[2][2],
Player_t Player, short Point_Num) ;
void Draw_Board_Full (Layout_t Layouts[N_PLAYERS]) ;
void Draw_Board_Quick (Layout_t Black, Layout_t White) ;
void Clear_Point (Player_t Player, short Point_Num) ;
void Get_Piece_Center (short* X_Center, short* Y_Center, Player_t Player,
short Point_Num, short Piece_Row, short Tot_Pieces,
short Available_Rows) ;
char Show_Transits_And_Kb_Look (Transit_t* Me, Transit_t* Hm,
Player_t Plr, Speed_t Spd) ;
void Side_Text (short Row, short Col, char* String, short Color) ;
void Help_Text (short Col, char* String, short Color) ;
void Clear_Help_Line (void) ;
boolean Pixel_To_Grid (short* Col, short* Row, short x, short y) ;
short Grid_To_Point (short G_Col, short G_Row, short Player) ;
/* BG_GRAF3.C */
void Title_Page (void) ;
void Framed_Center_String (char* String, short Row, FCS_Op_t Operation) ;
void Erase_Framed_String (void) ;
void Clear_Screen (void) ;
void Draw_Prob_Diag (char Disp[6][6]) ;
void Draw_Pline (short N_Points, short Line[][2], short Col) ;
void Draw_Pgon (short N_Points, short Line[][2], short Col) ;
void Draw_Double_Button (void) ;
void Draw_Double_Cube (Player_t Possesor, short Number) ;
/* BG_MESG.C */
void Print_Message (ushort Message_Number) ;
void Print_Players (short Opponent, Player_t Human) ;
void Print_Opponents (short Black, Player_t White) ;
void Print_Tournament (short T_Num, short Pos[N_OPPS]) ;
void Show_Winner (Player_t Wnr, Player_t Man, short Points) ;
/* BG_MOVE.C */
void Initial_Board (Layout_t Layouts[2]) ;
void Select_Best_Move (Dice_t* The_Dice,
Layout_t Mine_Old, Layout_t His_Old,
Transit_t* My_Best_Tr, Transit_t* His_Best_Tr,
Player_t Player, Search_t s) ;
void Select_Best_2Dice_Move (Dice_t* The_Dice,
Transit_t* My_Old_Tr, Transit_t* His_Old_Tr,
Transit_t* My_Best_Tr, Transit_t* His_Best_Tr,
Player_t Player) ;
void Select_Best_Ndice_Move (Dice_t* Dice_List, short This_Dice,
Transit_t* My_Curr_Tr, Transit_t* His_Curr_Tr,
Transit_t* My_Best_Tr, Transit_t* His_Best_Tr,
Lay_Sel_t* Best_Score, Player_t Player,
Search_t s) ;
void Choose_Move (Transit_t* Mine, Transit_t* His,
Player_t Player, short Moves_Done,
Transit_t* My_Best, Transit_t* His_Best,
Lay_Sel_t* Best, Search_t s) ;
void Execute_Move (char p, char Die, Transit_t* Mine, Transit_t* His) ;
boolean Can_Move (char p, char Die, Layout_t Me, Layout_t Him) ;
void Copy_Layout (Layout_t Dst, Layout_t Src) ;
boolean Bearing_Off (Layout_t Lay) ;
short Won (Layout_t Me, Layout_t Him) ;
boolean Pieces_Behind (Layout_t Me, short p) ;
void Check_Layout (Layout_t Layout, char* Err_Mess) ;
void Copy_Transit (Transit_t* Dest, Transit_t* Source) ;
void Init_Transit (Transit_t* New, Layout_t Old) ;
boolean Move_Possible (Layout_t P_Lay, Layout_t O_Lay) ;
/* BG_STDOP.C */
boolean Standard_Opening (Dice_t* The_Dice,
Transit_t* My_Old_Tr, Transit_t* His_Old_Tr,
Transit_t* My_Best_Tr, Transit_t* His_Best_Tr) ;
/* BG_USER1.C */
void Setup (Speed_t* Speed, Player_t* Human, short* Opponent) ;
boolean Top_Level_Interact (Speed_t* Speed, Player_t* Human, short* Op) ;
void Top_Level_Menu (boolean Draw) ;
void Draw_Field (ushort Field, String_Menu_t* Item, ushort Colour) ;
int Get_Key (void) ;
void Help (void) ;
boolean First_Interaction (Speed_t* Speed, Player_t* Man, short* Op) ;
short Get_Vmode (void) ;
void Protect (void) ;
void Decode (uchar* String, ushort* Shorts, ushort Checksum) ;
void Make_Key (char* Key, char* Resp) ;
ushort Get_Check_Sum (uchar* String) ;
void Demask (char* String) ;
void Decode_And_Show_Titles (void) ;
void Show_Titles (void) ;
/* BG_USER2.C */
char User_Selects_Move (Dice_t* Dice, Layout_t Mine, Layout_t His_Old,
Transit_t* My_Best_Tr, Transit_t* His_Best_Tr,
Player_t Player) ;
short Get_User_Point_Choice (char* Key, Player_t p, short Shape) ;
short Legal_Start (Transit_t* Me, Transit_t* Him, Dice_t* Dice, short Point,
short End_Points[MAX_MOVES], short D_I_List[MAX_MOVES]) ;
short Legal_End (short Point, short List[MAX_MOVES], short N_Ends) ;
void Update_User_Move (Layout_t User, Layout_t Comp, Player_t Player) ;
void Init_Human_Vars (short* Moves_Made, Dice_t* Pool, Dice_t* Dice,
Transit_t* Loc_User, Transit_t* Loc_Comp,
Layout_t User_Old, Layout_t Comp_Old) ;
void User_Error_Exit (void) ;
void Show_Threat (Layout_t Me, Layout_t Him, short Point) ;
short Key_And_Delay (short Seconds) ;